Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Wednesday 26 October 2022, miscellaneous

Saturday 15 October 2022, cimetière de Bruxelles

Saturday 15 October 2022, cimetière de Bruxelles

Saturday 15 October 2022, cimetière de Bruxelles

Sunday 9 October 2022, Liège Gare Guillemins et intervention de Daniël Buren

Sunday 9 October 2022, Liège Gare Guillemins et intervention de Daniël Buren

Saturday 8 October 2022, Menaucourt (FR)

Saturday 8 October 2022, Grand (FR) site archeologique, mosaïque gallo-romaine

Sunday 2 October 2022, Didier Vermeiren - Double Exposition, Wiels Brussels

Sunday 2 October 2022, Didier Vermeiren - Double Exposition, Wiels Brussels

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Tuesday 18 October 2022, JD 1032

Multi-layered Twill Architecture - Recto, Tuesday 18 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces of colored paper
42 x 29,7 cm each. plaited paper, first, second, third & fourth version = final version

Multi-layered Twill Architecture - Verso, Tuesday 18 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces of colored paper
42 x 29,7 cm each. plaited paper, first, second, third & fourth version = final version


Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Thursday 13 October 2022, experiment

Experiment Recto, Thursday 13 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces of Documenta 14 Kassel 2017 map
42 x 29,7 cm each. plaited paper, first, second and third version

Experiment Verso, Thursday 13 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces of Documenta 14 Kassel 2017 map
42 x 29,7 cm each. plaited paper, first, second and third version


Thursday, 6 October 2022

Thursday 6 October 2022, JD 1031

Journal Drawing 1031 Recto, Thursday 6 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces
29,7 x 21 cm. plaited coloured paper, first version

Journal Drawing 1031 Verso, Thursday 6 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces
29,7 x 21 cm. plaited coloured paper, first version

Journal Drawing 1031 Recto, Thursday 6 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces
29,7 x 21 cm. plaited coloured paper, second version

Journal Drawing 1031 Verso, Thursday 6 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces
29,7 x 21 cm. plaited coloured paper, second version

Journal Drawing 1031 Recto, Thursday 6 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces
29,7 x 21 cm. plaited coloured paper, third and final version

Journal Drawing 1031 Verso, Thursday 6 October 2022
multilayered plaited paper surfaces
29,7 x 21 cm. plaited coloured paper, third and final version


Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Wednesday 5 October 2022, carnet de croquis

Sketchbook drawing - 5 October 2022
left page: wrinkels (verso)
21 x 28,5 cm, pencil on plaited paper

Sketchbook drawing - 27 September & 5 October 2022
left page: P L O O I E N (verso)
right page: wrinkels
21 x 28,5 cm, pencil, colorpencil and ink on plaited paper

Sketchbook drawing - 13 & 27 September 2022
left page: wind Wind vent wind, verso
right page: P L O O I E N (recto)
21 x 28,5 cm, pencil, colorpencil and ink on plaited paper

Monday, 3 October 2022

Monday 3 October 2022, JD 1030

Journal Drawing 1030 Recto, Monday 3 October 2022
4 - 6 - 12 - 15
29,7 x 21 cm. plaited coloured paper, final version

Journal Drawing 1030 Verso, Monday 3 October 2022
4 - 6 - 12 - 15
29,7 x 21 cm. plaited coloured paper, final version